Changing the language of an LLM response with a vector addition
It’s surprisingly easy and entertaining to isolate and then apply additive steering vectors for LLMs. Let’s say we wanted to modify a model’s parameters such that, without changing anything about the prompt, it elicits certain desired behaviors. In this post, we’ll explain how to isolate such a steering vector for responding in German rather than in English, and evaluate how well such a vector is able to coerce the model into responding in German to an English prompt.
Exporting Facebook birthdays
- Visit
- IMPORTANT: Scroll all the way down to the bottom to load the birthdays for the year.
- While still on the Facebook birthdays page, open up a Javascript console by using a keyboard shortcut. In Chrome, use Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS) or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux). A warning might show about this method being used for malicious purposes. Feel free to audit this code if you don’t trust it.
- Paste in this snippet:
An introduction to computer algebra
A computer algebra system, or CAS, is a program that allows the user to enter mathematical expressions and perform calculations on them. For example, a general computer algebra system can help with the following tasks:
Logisim implementations of the CPUs in “Code”
I’ve been looking at “Code” again, and I decided to design functioning CPUs from what I learned in it. Normally CPUs are designed in HDLs such as VHDL and Verilog, but these languages take transistors out of the equation. Since it would be my first CPU, I decided to use Logisim because it had more of a simulation interface and let design with individual transistors. I put the fruits of my labor on my Github. The last design still needs a little of work, but all the other designs are fully functioning.
Hack a TV to visualize music
Have an old black and white TV sitting around? I got mine after winning a raffle and it sat around for about a year unused until I decided to hack it up.
Hydrogen water rocket out of household items
Perhaps my favorite project I’ve ever worked on is my hydrogen rocket. The craze started when I stumbled upon an article by Dean Wheeler about launching bottle rockets that used hydrogen combustion rather than a bicycle pump for power. I had already finished a a reliable hydrogen generator, so I figured this was a good project to put it to use. I didn’t have access to some tools and materials that he did, but I found some other solutions that made it work. I’ll document my findings here because I believe these types of bottle rockets do not receive the attention they deserve. As far as I know, Dean Wheeler’s article and mine are the only two guides about these rockets available.
My electrolysis generator
It took me many many tries to design a reliable and cheap way to produce the hydrogen I needed. There are many videos of other people’s designs on YouTube (just search for ‘HHO generator’, ‘electrolysis’, or ‘hydrogen generator’), but some of the parts and processes were just out of reach for my budget. Some used custom-cut steel that was expensive to order. I finally found an interesting method that used off-the-shelf wall plates that were stainless steel. This video was the one that really gave me the idea. sirHOAX does a lot of great work with generators like these.
Clustur finally released
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been using what little free time I have to code a website called Clustur. It is located at The main page pretty much says it all, but it’s basically a site for creating, learning, and sharing study material. I’ve recently used it to study for all of my exams this semester. Because it passed the test of exams for me, I can say it’s helped me a ton during the process.
Where I work
So apparently it’s a thing to post workbench pictures. I guess I’ll post mine too, mainly so I can remember it if my mom ever decides to move away. Anyways, here they are:
SSH into a computer using an iPhone or iPod Touch
Many people are aware that they can SSH into their iPod or iPhone from their computers. The fact that the iPhone can be an SSH client is often overlooked, though. It can even authenticate with RSA keys. In this guide, I will demonstrate how to set up an iPhone or iPod to SSH into a computer with an RSA key.